DG Parcel provides international shipping solutions for consignments classified as Dangerous Goods. Whether you are a business looking to transport large volumes of Hazardous goods, or an individual simply looking to send a bottle of perfume, we can help.
We can assist with shipments originating in the UK and USA.
Shipping your Hazardous Goods Worldwide
UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 8064 0730
US Tel: +1 321 613 1351
Email: mail@dgparcel.com
Hours: 9AM - 5PM

Firstly, send us as many details about your shipment as you can. Our team will use the information you provide to verify whether the items can be shipped, if there are any restrictions of special requirements, and to provide you with an estimated cost.
1) Weight and dimensions for the parcel (e.g. 2.6kg, 20cm x 25cm x 30cm)
2) Destination country, town, postcode/zipcode
3) Details about the items being shipped
For perfumes or nail varnish, tell us how many bottles and how many millilitres are in each bottle.
For lithium-ion batteries tell us how many Watt-hours (Wh) the battery is, or if you cannot find this information then any information on the battery such as Voltage (V) and milliamp-hours (mAh).
For paint, tell us how many cans, how many litres in each can.
If you are able to provide the full name of the product and supply a photo of the information on the back of the product, such as hazard symbols, this is helpful.
Sometimes we may ask whether you have a "Material Safety Data Sheet" (MSDS) for the product. These can often be obtained from the seller if requested. The MSDS specifies exactly how the product should be classified for transport.
2. Send us your parcel
Once we have determined that we are able to ship your package and provided an estimated shipping cost, you will next need to send your parcel to our UK or US warehouse:
DG Parcel DG Parcel
1A Rugby Road 1255 La Quinta Drive, Suite 110
Big Yellow, Unit F29 Orlando, Fl
Twickenham, Middlesex 32809
In the UK, Royal Mail allow for certain items to be sent in the domestic post within the UK, subject to limits. For example:
4 bottles of perfume, not exceeding 150ml each
2 aerosol cans not exceeding 500ml each
4 bottles of nail varnish, not exceeding 30ml each
See here for Royal Mail's list of restrictions
In the US it is possible to ship via USPS Ground. Check with USPS for restrictions.
We will ask you to include a completed Consignment Note with your package. This document can be either inside your parcel or on the outside in a pouch, and we use the information on this note to identify the parcel as yours and to process it accordingly. We require all information requested on the form to be provided, including telephone number of the receiver.
For parcels being sent with Royal Mail you will also need to attach an ID8000 label to the outside of the package, indicating what items are inside.
If the quantity of your items, or the nature of the items, exceeds the Royal Mail thresholds, we are able to arrange a courier collection. This begins at £40 including VAT for a package up to 10kg, £60 including VAT for a package between 11-30kg. For consignments above this we can quote separately.
For US consignments please contact us if you require a collection and we can quote accordingly.

3. We invoice and send your parcel
Once we receive your parcel a member of our Dangerous Goods team will verify the weight and dimensions of your package and re-pack if necessary (charges may be due for re-packing depending on the repacking required).
We will then raise an invoice based on the 'final' prepared shipment, and once payment has been made we will book the shipment and email you with tracking details.
Payment can be made by card or paypal by clicking on the link in the email we send you, or if you prefer you can speak with our team about making a bank transfer.